At lunch I was able to work a station on 15M from Pisa, Italy, IK5MEJ. I noticed some SWR issues on that band as well as 17M. But the contact went through.
Shortly after dinner I was tuning around a found CE/VE7SV from Chile operating on 20M. There was a bit of a pile up, but I was still able to work him fairly easily. I think this is my first contact with Chile. I then jumped up to 17M and was able to work Javier, XE2EX, operating from Ensenada, Mexico. This is my second contact with Mexico, but first Phone contact. The final DX contact was with Larry, V31LL, also on 17M and oeprating from Belize. A nice solid contact and Belize is a new country for me.
Just before bed, I jumped on the radio to get in a CW QSO. I heard KB2MBC calling CQ – I replied and he came back to me right away. It was Bill in NY, who I’ve talked to twice before. We exchanged RST (599 on both sides) and then commenced a 40 minute slow speed CW ragchew. Bill told me that it was currently raining and windy were he was at and was worried about his antenna comming down in the wind. He also told me about all the snow Bufflo, NY had received a few days earlier. It was nice departing from the standard RST, name, QTH, rig, WX exchange to a more free flowing conversation. Needless to say, I really enjoyed our QSO.