I am the proud new owner of an iPad – receiving it as a birthday present this morning. I’m not really a Mac guy, but I have had three different versions of the iPod with the last being an iTouch (which is a wannabe iPhone). I also have an Apple TV, which I enjoy. The Apple TV’s ability to act as a media manager is flawless. Growing up, we had an Apple ][… but I have never owned a Mac or an iPhone.
If you are interested in the iPad, chances are that you’ve already read the reviews and seen the unboxings. No surprise revelations to be found here. So far, I enjoy it! I am disappointed at having to use iTunes as a means to add my own media to the iPad. The lack of ability to directly play AVI files is not good.
There are some initial apps for amateur radio; mainly test prep, a logger, and two APRS apps. There are more for the iPhone, so chances are more are coming for the iPad.
One of my favorite iTouch apps is Remote – a free app from Apple used to control the Apple TV. Oddly enough, there is not yet a version for the iPad.
I’ve installed a few games. Checkers – had fun playing that with the four year old (… she just about beat me too). A game called Chopper which is like the game Choplifter that I used to play on the Apple ][. Air Hockey – that game rocks.
The NPR app is cool. You can go right to last Sunday’s Morning Edition an hear the Puzzler. We are big Puzzler fans in this house!
Did anyone see this episode of Modern Family?