Happy Thanksgiving!

(1) Home Brew: not talking about building an amateur radio project… talking about beer! I am the recipient of a Mr. Beer Deluxe Edition Home Brewery kit. Last week I completed the initial steps; mixed the wort with water and yeast. So now the batch has been fermenting for a week. I’m now waiting for my shipment of bottles so I can bottle this batch to complete the fermentation. I’ll probably experiment with the sugar types to see what that does with the flavor. I hope to be bottling by mid-week and then it should be about two more weeks before I get to start tasting the results.

(2) PRO-528: picked up the Radio Shack PRO-528 scanner. I got a USB programming cable and the Scancat Lite Plus software to program the scanner. I’ve loaded Hampton’s city frequencies for the police and fire, freqs for Langley Air Force Base, some 2m repeater freqs, and the FRS/GMRS freqs. So far, the scanner is working great.

(3) I got a QSL card from Hawaii! Just need my Alaska card for QSL for Worked All States.

(4) Model Rocket: fired off a model rocket on Saturday. Three times – all successful. The first launch with a B engine went pretty high, but the last two really took off using a C engine. The parachute worked well and the this is the first time I think I’ve ever returned home with a rocket (my other rockets being lost over fences, behind backyards, etc.). Of course that was all about 25 years ago. What I think would be fun is to build a rocket with a big enough payload that would carry a GPS and 2M transmitter to do APRS.

(5) Haven’t been on the air lately – I’ll try tonight.

Already the 19th of November!

I’ve been falling behind on my updates…

(1) W4V – Veterans’ Day Special Event Station. I got a late start on Saturday… took a while to pack the truck. Setup at Fort Story took longer than expected – my biggest challenge was tying down the center mast after I’d gotten it vertical. It’s really a two person job and hard to do alone. But once I got the antenna up, the rest was easy. A beautiful day as well, low 70s and clear skies. The QSOs rolled in, as long as I was calling “CQ” I was getting QSOs. Sunday was a different story. The forecast called for rain, but I thought I could weather it out. I arrived at Fort Story but the winds became too extreme – no chance of getting the center pole up. I threw in the towel for a portable operation and headed home to operate. Not the same satisfaction running a special event from home, but I still enjoyed the QSOs. Even got Wyoming… which completes my Worked All States Award!

(2) Kenwood TS-930S…. my “new to me rig”. I picked this up from a local ham at a bargain. What a radio!

This piece of electronics perfection is over 20 years old, but it performs like a dream. The receiver is amazing. Also getting great reception reports on both SSB and CW. This rig is now the centerpiece of my shack.

(3) I didn’t work the Sweepstakes this weekend, but did have a QSO with a special event station celebrating Oklahoma statehood. However, I did work a sweepstakes station on 15M who was operating from the Santa Clara Valley.

(4) Also a few CW QSOs – I’ve hooked up my Logikey CMOS4 Keyer. Amazing little device, lots of features – but does a great job as a basic keyer.

An Enticement for Contest Newbies

Some of you have expressed an interest in CW and Contesting, and upcoming is a great weekend (for 2003 it’s Nov1 – Nov2 local) for US and Canadian hams to practice it. The annual ARRL CW Sweepstakes runs 1PM Saturday to 7PM Sunday PST (or 4PM Sat to 10PM Sun EST) on 80 through 10 meters (not on 30, 17, or 12-meters). While you might recoil in horror at the high code speeds, tune wayyyyyyy up in the bands and there will be some folks going nice and slow. The Novice bands on 80, 40, 15, and 10 meters often have a number of slow-speed stations hanging out up there. Don’t be afraid to jump in there and give ’em a call. I *guarantee* your code speed will double with just a few hours at the key.

Here’s how it works…

1) You hear somebody calling “CQ SS CQ SS de N0AX”
2) Send your call ONCE – “W7VMI” – don’t send their call and don’t send yours twice or three times. If they don’t copy your call on the first try, they’ll send “AGN” or “?” or just CQ again. So call ’em again. If they’re going too fast, send “QRS W7VMI” and they’ll slow down.
3) If they hear you, they’ll send something like this – “W7VMI 107 A N0AX 53 CO” What the heck does that mean?
– W7VMI is your call to let you know they’re talking to you
– 107 is the number of the contact in the contest for them (their next contact will be 108, etc.)
– A is their entry class (low power) – there are A, B, M, Q, S, and U classes
– Then they send their call
– 53 is the last two digits of the first year they were licensed – it’s called a “check”
– CO means Colorado, their ARRL/RAC Section (there are 80 – some are states, others aren’t, all are two or three letters)
4) If you don’t get it all, it’s perfectly OK to send “QRS PSE, AGN” – which means “Slow down, send it again, please”
5) If you do get it – way to go! Here’s what you send…
– Their call
– The number this contact is in the contest for you – if it’s your first send “1” and pat yourself on the back
– Your class (QRP is Q, <150W is A, >150W is B, M is multioperator, S is a school club, and U is unlimited…don’t ask)
– Your call
– The last two digits of the first year you were licensed – if you got your license in 2001, it’s “01”, for example
– Your section, “WWA” for Western Washington, maybe, or “IL” for Illinois, or “PQ” for Province Quebec – ah, but oui!
6) If they don’t get it, they may say…with a question mark, maybe…
– “AGN” – send everything all over again
– “NR” – repeat just the number a couple of times
– “PREC” or just “PR” – repeat your class (power) letter, it’s called “precedence” for a number of reasons you don’t care about
– “CALL” – repeat your call (this is rare)
– “CK” – repeat the two digits of the year, your check
– “SEC” or “QTH” – repeat your section
7) They may ask YOU to QRS, you speed demon, so do it with a smile!
8) If they copy everything, they’ll say a short “TU” (for thanks) or “R” (for Roger) or “QSL” (for received OK) and then just send their CQ or maybe just their call and away you both may go.
9) Sometimes, it just doesn’t work out – QRM (interference) or QRN (static) or QSB (fading) or the cat could cough up a hairball on the rug requiring immediate action. Don’t take it personally; just go find somebody else to call. It’s a no-fault deal.
10) If you get tired of “Searching and Pouncing”, then tighten your belt, mop your brow, cock your hat at a jaunty angle and call CQ! It’s easy – don’t have a cow, man, just call “CQ SS CQ SS de W7VMI W7VMI” and listen, repeat if necessary. Soon you’ll get an answer. Just play back the above steps with you as the call-ee.

What’s the object? Make as many contacts as you can. Try to contact as many different sections (there’s usually some kind of trophy for making a “Clean Sweep”!) as you can. Try to spell your name from the last letters of the calls you work. Work your home state. Work your brother’s state. Nobody can stop at just one QSO…

It’s a lot of fun – the hours will fly by. Keep a simple paper log the first time out to make it easy – you can worry about entering it on a computer later. There are complete rules and instructions for operating and scoring and sending in the log on the ARRL Web site http://www.arrl.org/contests/rules/2003/novss.html. Come next spring, you can click on over to the contest results on the ARRL website (Click here for last year’s write-up)

and wonder-of-wonders, there your call will be with the mighty titans in the very same font size just a few lines away. Woo-hoo!!

Go for it!

Phone SweepstakesAdded by N2MG

There are a few obvious and not-so-obvious differences between the CW Sweepstakes and the Phone Sweepstakes.

First, quite obviously, is the Phone SS uses voice (say what?) and second, it is held on a different weekend…historically two weeks after the CW weekend. Like the CW weekend, it runs 1PM Saturday to 7PM Sunday PST (or 4PM Sat to 10PM Sun EST).

Many of us might say, “Gee, Phone SS must be easier to operate than CW.” Well, yes and no. Certainly it’s more natural to use one’s voice than the paddle, and the rules are the same, so Phone should be a snap, right, all other things being equal… but they are not. Phone operation has a distinct set of characteristics.

The phone bands are considerably more crowded than CW – first there’s the bandwidth issue – a phone QSO takes up more band than a CW QSO does. Also, there tends to be more casual (non-contest) phone operating (nets, rag chews, etc.) of which you need to be aware and coexist. Please be courteous to other band occupants – whether contesters or not.

Unlike CW, some folks seem to be enamoured with using “the last two” to call. Please use your entire callsign. Nine times out of ten, the other station will copy it right the first time. And use phonetics – NORMAL phonetics. (Willie Billie Five Willie Billie Willie might seem funny to your friends, but not here!)

Signal quality is much more of an issue on phone. Before the contest, have a friend check your signal at full power – is the audio clear and splatter-free? If not, take steps to make it so – you will make more contacts and have fewer problems on adjacent frequencies.

And a tip – having a noise blanker or preamp turned on will likely lead to severe intermodulation and overload problems in your receiver. Turn them off whenever possible – doing so may also work for a non-contester. In fact, cranking in some attenuation or turning down the RF Gain control will improve receiver performance dramatically under the strong-signal tractor-pull known as Phone Sweepstakes.

All that said, Phone SS can be a blast. Let’s rumble!

Contests this weekend

ARRL EME Contest — from 0000Z Nov 11-2400Z Nov 12. Frequencies: 50-1296 MHz (see Aug QST, p 95, or www.arrl.org/contests).

Japan International DX Contest — Phone, from 0700Z Nov 11-1300Z Nov 12 (see Apr QST, p 100, or jidx.org/jidxrule-e.html).

Kentucky QSO Party — CW/Phone, sponsored by the Western KY DX Association from 1400Z Nov 11-0600Z Nov 12. Frequencies (MHz): CW — 1.815 and 60 kHz above band edge; SSB — 1.840, 3.985, 7.285, 14.285, 21.385, 28.585. Exchange: RS(T) and KY county or S/P/C. QSO points: 160 meters — 2 pts, CW — 2 pts, SSB — 1 pt. Score: QSO points × KY counties (KY stations add states and provinces) counted only once. KY mobiles add 1000 points for each activated county, min 10 QSOs (not incl home county). 100 bonus points for QSO with KY4DXA. For more information: k4txj@arrl.net. Logs due Dec 31 to Western Kentucky DX Association, PO Box 73, Alvaton, KY 42122.

Worked All Europe DX Contest (WAEDC) — RTTY, from 0000Z Nov 11-2359Z Nov 12. Same rules as WAEDC Phone and CW, except everyone works everyone. QTC can only be exchanged between continents (see Aug QST, p 88, or www.waedc.de).

OK/OM DX Contest — CW, sponsored by the Czech Radio Club (CRC) from 1200Z Nov 11-1200Z Nov 12. Frequencies: 160-10 meters. Categories: SOAB-HP (>100 W), SOSB-HP, SOAB-LP, SOSB-LP, SOAB-QRP (<5 W), MS, SWL; packet spotting allowed for all categories. Exchange: RST plus serial number or OK/OM district. QSO points: EU to OK/OM -- 1 pt, non-EU to OK/OM -- 3 pts. Score: QSO points × OK/OM districts (OK/OM stations use WPX prefixes) counted once per band. For more information: okomdx.radioamater.cz. Logs due Dec 1 to okomdx@crk.cz or OK-OM DX Contest, CRK, PO Box 69, 113 27 Praha 1, Czech Republic. CQ WE (Western Electric) -- CW/Phone/ Digital, from 1900Z Nov 11-0500Z Nov 13. Frequencies: 160 meters-70 centimeters (no repeater contacts). Contact as many hams as possible who currently work for, did work for, or are retired from any part of the pre-divestiture "Bell System" or any company created from it. Categories: SOAB (Bell and non-Bell). Exchange: Call, name, Bell location, years of Bell service (non-Bell send ZZ and 1). QSO points: equal to years of service. Score: sum of QSO points × location codes for each mode (locations counted once only). For more information: cqwe.cboh.org. Send logs to carl_yaffey@yahoo.com or Carl L. Yaffey K8NU, 435 Walhalla Rd, Columbus, OH 43202.

Upcoming Special Event Stations

Nov 9-Nov 12, 1600Z-2000Z, Arlington Heights, IL. Armored Force Amateur Radio Net, KA9NLX. Veteran’s Day SE honoring all veterans. 14.325 7.283 7.035 3.985. Certificate. John Paskevicz, 1423 North Ridge Ave, Arlington Heights, IL 60004. AFAR members will operate from different parts of the country on all amateur HF frequencies and 2 meters.

Nov 10-Nov 13, 1300Z-2100Z, Hampton, VA. US Army Amateur Radio Society, W4V. Veteran’s Day observance from Fort Monroe, VA. 14.248 7.248. Certificate. US Amry Radio Society, 224 Beauregard Heights, Hampton, VA 23669. www.usaars.com

Nov 11, 1200Z-2359Z, Nutley, NJ. Robert D. Grant United Labor Amateur Radio Association, N2UL. CQ Veterans Day, Labor remember our heroes. 28.420 12.260. Certificate. RDGULARA, c/o WA2VJA, 112 Prospect St, Nutley, NJ 07110-0716. rdgulara.org

Nov 11, 1300Z-1900Z, Brownsville, TX. Charro Amateur Radio Club, W5CRC. Return of the Snow Bird to South Texas. 28.335 21.335 14.335. QSL. Bob Austin, K5VC, 107 W Park Dr, Brownsville, TX 78520. www.qsl.net/w5crc

Nov 11, 1430Z-2039Z, Grand Rapids, MI. Michigan Amateur Radio Alliance, W8USA. Veteran’s Day. 14.250 7.250 14.070 7.040. QSL. W8USA, PO Box 670, Comstock Park, MI 49321. www.w8usa.org

Nov 11, 1500Z-2230Z, Baton Rouge, LA. Baton Rouge Amateur Radio Club, W5KID. Veteran’s Day. CW 28.060 21.060 14.060 10.106 7.040 SSB 14.250 to 24.320. QSL. W5KID, c/o USS Kidd Museum, 305 South River Rd, Baton Rough, LA 70802. www.lsu.edu/brarc/USS_Kidd.htm

Nov 11, 1500Z-2200Z, Waterloo, IA. Five Sullivan Brothers Amateur Radio Club, W0FSB. Veterans’ Day and the 64th Anniversary of the loss of the Five Sullivans. 50.140 21.240 14.240 7.240. Certificate and QSL. Five Sullivan Brothers Amateur Radio Club, 4015 Independence Ave, Waterloo, IA 50703.

Nov 13, 2100Z-0000Z, Fort Wayne, IN. Amateur Radio Military Appreciation Day, KC9HAJ. Military Appreciation Monday/DAV — Golden Corral. 21.240 14.260 7.240. Certificate. Emery McClendon, 6116 Graymoor Ln, Fort Wayne, IN 46835. www.armad.net

The Last Frontier – QSO with Alaska!

I turned the rig on during lunch yesterday for a quick spin around 20M and ran into the Alaska-Pacific Emergency Preparedness [http://www.alaskapacificnet.org/] Net run by Will, AL7AC, from Sterling, AK. I heard the traffic net taking Alaska station check-ins… passing their callsigns, locations, and a brief weather report. I was excited because I was hearing Alaska! I’d never actually heard them before, so this was a first. And I wasn’t just hearing one station, I was hearing almost all of them… at least a good dozen. Then the NCS asked for guest check-ins. I grabbed the mic and figured I’d toss in my callsign, not expecting a reply. But Bill came right back to me with a nice signal report! So I thanked him, checked into the net, gave my QTH, and “no traffic”… 1st QSO with Alaska complete!

The quest for Worked All States (WAS) is almost complete… one state to go: Wyoming.

Special event 4U60UO to mark UNESCO 60th anniversary celebration

Members of the Association of Radioamateurs of Paris (ARP) will operate special event station 4U60UO to mark the conclusion of the 60-week long 60th anniversary celebration of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The station will be on the air from UNESCO Headquarters in Paris Saturday and Sunday, November 4-5. 4U60UO will operate all modes — including CW, SSB, SSTV, PSK31, satellites and hamDRM — and all bands from 1.8 MHz to 47 GHz (except for 6 meters). Chartered November 16, 1945, UNESCO marked its 60th anniversary by selecting 60 themes to highlight the 60 weeks between September 5, 2005, and November 4, 2006. A special QSL and certificate will be available from ARP.–Laurent Beugnet, F6GOX

KPH to mark International Radiotelegraph Conference centenary

The Maritime Radio Historical Society (MRHS) will join others around the world in marking the 100th anniversary of the International Radiotelegraph Conference. Delegates to the 1906 gathering in Berlin designated 500 kHz (600 meters) as the international distress and calling frequency and SOS as the distress signal, and they signed the International Radiotelegraph Convention, which eventually became the International Telecommunication Union Radio Regulations. MRHS’s KPH, which began operation in 1905, will activate at 0001 UTC on Saturday, November 4, on 500 kHz and on its working frequency, 426 kHz. “KPH will send special messages and marine information using 500 kc as frequently as possible, keeping in mind that other stations share this frequency,” says the KPH Chief Operator Richard “R.D.” Dillman, W6AWO. “Longer bulletins will be sent on 426 kc after an announcement on 500 kc.” Dillman says KPH will monitor 500 kHz at all times for calls from ships and will observe the silent period. KPH ops also will listen between 505 and 510 kHz for stations operating as part of the ARRL WD2XSH experimental group, although Dillman adds that contacts between those stations and KPH will not be possible. MRHS Amateur Radio station K6KPH will monitor 3550, 7050 and 14,050 kHz for calls from radio amateurs wishing to submit signal reports. To obtain a printed confirmation of KPH reception, send reports to D.A. Stoops, PO Box 381, Bolinas CA 94924-0381 USA.

Upcoming Special Events

Nov 2-Nov 6, 1700Z-1700Z, Whitefish Point, MI. Stu Rockafellow Amateur Radio Society, K8F and N8F. Remembering the Edmund Fitzgerald. 21.360 14.260 7.260 3.860. Certificate. Richard Barker, 264 N East St, Brighton, MI 48116. www.qsl.net/w8njh.

Nov 3-Nov 5, 1430Z-2000Z, Split Rock, MN. Stillwater Amateur Radio Association, WØJH. Anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald, from Split Rock Lighthouse (ARLHS USA 783). 21.360 14.260 7.260 3.860. Certificate. Shel Mann, NØDRX, 1618 W Pine St, Stillwater, MN 55082. www.radioham.org.

Nov 3-Nov 12, Knokke-Heist, Belgium. UBA Section ONZ, ON25CLM. Canadian Liberation March/Canadian Week. SSB and CW 80 40 20 17 15 10 2 m bands. OO4CLM Special Event, Postbox 1006, B-8300 Knokke-Heist, Belguim. www.on4clm.be.

Nov 4-Nov 5, Paris, France. Association of Radioamateurs of Paris, 4U60UO. 60th anniversary of UNESCO. all bands 1.8 MHz – 47 gHz SSTV PSK hamDRM. QSL and certificate. Laurent Beugnet, F6GOX. arp75.free.fr.

Nov 4-Nov 5, 1500Z-2000Z, Melbourne, FL. Titusville Amateur Radio Club, W4V. Operation StandUp, helping returning veterans of all conflicts. 28.333 21.350 14.250 7.250. Certificate. W4V, c/o Robert Osband, N4SCY, PO Box 6841, Titusville, FL 32782. operationstandup.org/w4v.

Nov 4-Nov 5, 1600Z-0300Z, Detroit, MI. Livonia Amateur Radio Club, W8F. Dossin Museum, commemorating the loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald. 21.372 14.272 7.272 145.72. Certificate. Livonia Amateur Radio Club/Special Event, PO Box 51532, Livonia, MI 48151-5532. www.larc.mi.org/.

Nov 4-Nov 19, 0000Z-2400Z, Pittsburgh, PA. Panther Amateur Radio Club, K3F. Fessenden First Voice Transmission. 21.260 14.260 7.260 3.920 . QSL. Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, Panther Amateur Radio Club, 348 Benedum Hall/University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15261. www.pitt.edu/~sorc/parc.

Nov 5, 1400Z-2100Z, Rocky Point, NY. Radio Central Amateur Radio Club, W2RC. Radio Central 85th anniversary of the first transatlantic wireless transmission from RCA’s Radio Central transmitter site. 14.270 14.050 7.270 7.050. Certificate. Radio Central ARC, PO Box 396, Centereach, NY 11720. www.rcarc.org.


Here’s my current roll up for DXCC – just need to get those QSL cards! I have 53 confirmed so far.

OH0X 10/28/2006 20 SSB Aland Is.  
7X2LS 12/11/2005 20 PSK31 Algeria  
VP2EBR 12/16/2005 20 PSK31 Anguilla  
V26B 10/29/2006 15 SSB Antigua &
LW9EOC 10/15/2006 15 SSB Argentina  
P40W 10/28/2006 15 SSB Aruba  
VK4CZ 10/29/2006 20 SSB Australia  
OE1DWC 2/7/2006 40 PSK31 Austria R
CU2/OH1VR 10/28/2006 15 SSB Azores  
EA6ADM 1/17/2006 20 PSK31 Balearic Is.  
8P2K 10/28/2006 20 SSB Barbados  
EW7EW 12/21/2005 20 PSK31 Belarus R
OO6FN 11/29/2005 20 PSK31 Belgium R
V31LL 10/17/2006 17 SSB Belize  
VP9LN 8/20/2006 20 SSB Bermuda R
PJ2T 10/28/2006 80 SSB Bonaire, Curacao  
T94KC 3/23/2006 20 PSK31 Bosnia-Herzegovina R
PS7LN 12/11/2005 20 PSK31 Brazil R
VP2V/AH6HY 10/1/2006 20 SSB British Virgin
LZ1BJ 1/26/2006 17 PSK31 Bulgaria  
VE9DX 12/4/2005 17 PSK31 Canada R
EA8/OH2NAF 12/6/2005 20 PSK31 Canary Is. R
ZF2PP 1/9/2006 20 PSK31 Cayman Is.  
CE/VE7SV 10/17/2006 20 SSB Chile  
HK3GXI 4/30/2006 40 PSK31 Colombia R
TK5IH 2/10/2006 20 PSK31 Corsica R
TI8II 10/1/2006 15 PSK31 Costa Rica  
9A3LE 1/22/2006 20 PSK31 Croatia R
CO3JN 11/30/2005 20 PSK31 Cuba R
OK2VA 1/2/2006 17 PSK31 Czech Rep. R
OZ5ESB 8/19/2006 20 SSB Denmark  
HI3/OK2ZU 3/4/2006 20 PSK31 Dominican
HC1JQ 10/29/2006 20 SSB Ecuador  
YS1PY 8/20/2006 20 SSB El Salvador R
G3PGA 1/7/2006 20 PSK31 England R
ES7FQ 1/9/2006 20 PSK31 Estonia R
RW3DQC 12/9/2005 20 PSK31 European Russia R
OH3GIF 1/26/2006 20 PSK31 Finland R
F5RRS 12/1/2005 30 PSK31 France R
FY1FV 11/27/2005 20 PSK31 French Guiana R
DL5KSS 12/4/2005 17 PSK31 Germany R
SV3FUK 1/22/2006 20 PSK31 Greece R
J3/DL3VFN 1/8/2006 20 PSK Grenada R
FG5JK 10/29/2006 15 SSB Guadeloupe  
TG9SM 1/21/2006 40 PSK31 Guatemala  
8R1EA 10/29/2006 15 SSB Guyana  
KH7U 10/29/2006 15 SSB Hawaii  
HR2/LU1DY 2/7/2006 20 PSK31 Honduras R
HA7TY 1/13/2006 20 PSK31 Hungary R
TF4M 10/29/2006 20 SSB Iceland  
EI7M 10/28/2006 20 SSB Ireland  
MD4K 10/28/2006 20 SSB Isle of Man  
IV3LBP 12/8/2005 20 PSK31 Italy R
6Y1V 10/29/2006 20 SSB Jamaica  
RK2FWA 10/29/2006 20 SSB Kaliningrad  
YL2AZ 1/9/2006 20 PSK31 Latvia R
HB0/HB9AON 10/29/2006 20 SSB Liechtenstein  
LY2ZZ 10/19/2006 20 SSB Lithuania  
LX8DL 12/13/2005 20 PSK31 Luxembourg R
Z35T 10/28/2006 20 SSB Macedonia  
CT3DL 10/7/2006 15 SSB Madeira Is.  
9H1SP 1/9/2006 17 PSK31 Malta R
FM/K9NW 10/29/2006 15 SSB Martinique  
XE2YWB 1/7/2006 15 PSK31 Mexico R
ER0ND 10/28/2006 20 SSB Moldova  
VP2MHX 10/28/2006 15 SSB Montserrat  
CN3A 10/28/2006 15 SSB Morocco  
PA1FR 1/13/2006 20 PSK31 Netherlands R
ZL6QH 10/29/2006 40 SSB New Zealand  
YN2EJ 10/28/2006 20 SSB Nicaragua  
MI3JQD 10/22/2006 20 SSB Northern Ireland  
LB9JE 1/10/2006 20 PSK31 Norway R
HP1DCP 2/7/2006 20 PSK31 Panama R
ZP5MAL 10/29/2006 20 SSB Paraguay  
OA4WW 10/29/2006 15 SSB Peru  
SP4R 1/2/2006 17 PSK31 Poland R
CT1GTI 12/11/2005 20 PSK31 Portugal R
KP4SQ 12/19/2005 40 PSK31 Puerto Rico R
XF4DL 10/28/2006 15 SSB Revillagigedo  
FS/SM7DKF 5/7/2006 20 PSK31 Saint Martin R
T77GO 2/17/2006 20 PSK31 San Marino  
HI8HCJ 5/28/2006 20 SSB Santa Domingo R
IM0GNF 2/5/2006 20 PSK31 Sardinia R
GM0KWW 1/27/2006 20 PSK31 Scotland R
6W8CK 12/7/2005 20 PSK31 Senegal R
YU6AO 7/23/2006 20 SSB Serbia &
OM5DP 10/18/2006 17 SSB Slovak Rep.  
S51HA 2/8/2006 20 PSK31 Slovenia R
EA3BDE 11/28/2005 20 PSK31 Spain R
V44KJ 2/6/2006 20 PSK31 St. Kitts &
PZ5RA 12/21/2005 17 PSK31 Suriname R
SM4FZW 1/13/2006 20 PSK31 Sweden R
HB9ODP 1/20/2006 20 PSK31 Switzerland R
9Y4NZ 10/29/2006 20 SSB Trinidad &
VP5VAC 5/21/2005 6 SSB Turks &
Caicos Is.
UV5QB 1/29/2006 20 PSK31 Ukraine R
CX7BF 12/18/2005 15 PSK31 Uruguay  
K8LF 11/17/2005 80 SSB USA R
YV6QD 1/10/2006 20 PSK31 Venezuela R
WP2Z 10/28/2006 20 SSB Virgin Is.  
GW5PH 1/29/2006 20 PSK31 Wales R