Lots of Special Events this weekend

Oct 6-Oct 7, 1230Z-2300Z, Paintsville, KY. Amateur Radio Community Service, KI4OIP. Kentucky Apple Festival and 100 years of Amateur Radio. 14.250 7.230 3.910 1.900. QSL. Amateur Radio Community Service, PO Box 75, Paintsville, KY 41240.

Oct 6-Oct 7, 1500Z-2300Z, Honobia, OK. McCurtain County Amateur Radio Club, KD5YQI. Annual Bigfoot Festival, Honobia, OK. 21.230 14.270 7.270 3.900. Certificate. Gary Brock, PO Box 1656, Idabel, OK 74745.

Oct 6-Oct 7, 1600Z-2000Z, Cincinnati, OH. Queen City Emergency Net, W8T. Tall Stacks on the air! Cincinnati’s Riverboat Festival. 14.260 7.265. Certificate. David Vest, 2934 Rontina Dr, Goshen, OH 45122. www.qcen.org.

Oct 6-Oct 7, 2200Z-1600Z, Lake Placid, NY. Northern NY Amateur Radio Association, N2Y. NNY Hamfest and Convention. 14.260 10.124 7.240 7.035. Certificate. Richard Sherman, 25 Pines Rd, Malane, NY 12953. www.nnyara.org.

Oct 6-Oct 15, 1300Z-0000Z, Albuquerque, NM. The High Desert Amateur Radio Club of NM, Inc, NM5HD. Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta 2006. 21.255 14.275 7.260. QSL. HDARC of NM Inc, 4972 Turquoise Dr, Rio Rancho, NM 87124. www.nm5hd.com.

Oct 7, 1200Z-1600Z, Brownstown, PA. Red Rose Repeater Association, KB3BVL. Annual Red Rose Tailgate Fest. Gen phone 40m 20m. QSL. Red Rose Repeater Association, PO Box 8316, Lancaster, PA 17604-8316. www.qsl.net/rrra/.

Oct 7, 1300Z-1700Z, Anamosa, IA. Jones County Amateur Radio Club, N0CWP. 18th Annual Anamosa Pumpkinfest. 14.260. Certificate. Jim McClintock, N0CWP, 301 Vine St, Morley, IA 52312. www.ia.net/~anachamb/pumpkin.html.

Oct 7, 1300Z-2200Z, Columbus, OH. Madison County Amateur Radio Club, W8C. Columbus Day Celebrations/Santa Maria Radio Day. 14.040 7.225 7.040 14.070 PSK. QSL. Don Fuhr, W8LJ, 6800 McVey Blvd, Columbus, OH 43235. http://qsy.to/mcarcoh.

Oct 7, 1300Z-2200Z, Harlem, GA. Columbia County Georgia Amateur Radio Club, W4O. Annual Oliver Hardy Festival. 146.52 21.260 14.260 7.260. Certificate. CCARC/W4O, PO Box 800, Evans, GA 30809. http://ccarc.hamradio.com.

Oct 7, 1400Z-2000Z, Palmyra, VA. Fluvanna County ARES, W4F. 11th Annual Old Farm Day Celebration in Fluvanna County, VA. 28.350 18.150 14.250 7.250. Certificate. Manny Rodriguez, K4MSR, 22 Fleetwood Dr, Palmyra, VA 22963.

Oct 7, 1400Z-2000Z, Springfield, MO. Frisco Retirees Radio Club and The Railroad Historical Museum, Inc, W0DLR. Commemorating the preservation of Frisco 4524 Steam Engine. 14.270 7.270. QSL. Dave Rust, 2151 Deer Ln, Kirbyville, MO 65679. www.rrhistoricalmuseum.zoomshare.com.

Oct 7, 1400Z-2200Z, St Charles, IL. Fox River Radio League, W9CEQ. 21st Annual Scarecrow Festival. 14.260 7.260. QSL. FRRL-Scarecrow, PO Box 673, Batavia, IL 60510. www.frrl.org.

Oct 7, 1400Z-2000Z, Sterling, VA. Sterling Park ARC, K4NVA. Sterlingfest 2006. 14.260 7.240. QSL. SPARC, Call Box 599, Sterling, VA 20167. www.qsl.net/sterling.

Oct 7-Oct 8 and October 14-Oct 15, 0700Z-2000Z, Bedford, PA. Bedford County Amatuer Radio Society, K3NQT. Bedford County Fall Foliage Festival. 14.230 21.330 7.230. Certificate. Paul Fischer, 185 Main St, Alum Bank, PA 15522.

Oct 7-Oct 8, 1400Z-2100Z, Glen Hazel, PA. Elk County Emergency Services, W3E. Elk County Rescue Weekend. 14.280 7.280 3.980. QSL. Mike McAllister, N3RZL, PO Box 448, Ridgway, PA 15853. www.ncentral.com/~elkcnty.

Oct 7-Oct 8, 1600Z-0300Z, Menlo Park, CA. 24th Month, Amateur Radio-Technology Day, N6T, Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. 14.240 7.240 14.044 7.044. QSL. David A. Cooper, 270 Redwood Shores Pky, PMB 41, Redwood City, CA 94065. www.fars.k6ya.org.

Oct 7-Oct 15, 0001Z-2400Z, Milford, CT. Lake Effect Amateur Radio Club, W1M. National Wildlife Refuge Week. 21.310 14.265 7.240 7.055. QSL. Kevin Gunther, 2 Milford Point Rd, Milford, CT 06460.

Oct 8, 1400Z-2000Z, Robbinsville, NC. Smoky Mountains Amateur Radio Team, N4GSM. Anniversary of opening of Cherahala Skyway. 14.242 7.242. Certificate. SMART, PO Box 517, Robbinsville, NC 28771. http://main.nc.us/graham/smart/.