Get Your Feet Wet Weekend

Despite all the controversy about licensing and requirements, there are a lot of new hams who are intrigued with the code after passing their 5WPM.

But, like we all were (or are!), they are intimidated and nervous about getting on the air. They’ve had bad experiences on Field Day or other contests and QSO’s where people won’t QRS (slow down), and they are getting frustrated. We don’t want that to happen! We want to encourage and nurture these new CW operators. The Novice RoundUp used to be a good forum for this, but the Novice concept is obsolete. Something needs to be implemented that would include all classes of newcomers and give them a friendly place to learn the ropes.

The 2006 Get Your Feet Wet Weekend will be 00:00Z Fri Sep 15 (Thursday local) to 00:00Z Sep 18 (Sunday local).

The focus is on sending slowly and clearly and sending the exchange in order. No memory or programable keyers or code readers are allowed – human-powered transmissions only. Certificates will be sent out to the top three scorers in each category free of charge.

The rules: Operate under one of two categories for the entire event, Newcomer or Experienced. You can be licensed a long time but still be a Newcomer to CW or contesting. You’re on the honor system: Choose whichever describes your ability.

Suggested calling frequencies: 3.610, 7.110, 14.110, 21.110, and 28.110. If you don’t hear anyone, go ahead and call. Get your feet wet and jump in with a CQ FC on a clear frequency. YOU are there listening; chances are someone else is listening and waiting to hear a CQ, too

Call CQ FC.

The Exchange: Callsign/N (newcomer) or Callsign/E (experienced), RST, Name, QTH, FISTS number or power, last two digits of the year licensed.

Example: WZ8C/E, 599, Nancy, MI, 0379, 88.

Count 2 points for working someone out of your category, 1 point for working someone in your category.

Multipliers are number of stations worked that were licensed 2000-2005.

Stations may be worked once per band for points, but their multiplier only counts once.

No WARC bands.

Contacts must be 2-way human-keyed CW (Iambics are fine – just no computerized or memory keyers).

Logs will be sent to Lee Hallin N7NU 3413 Walton Ln, Eugene OR 97408
or in ADIF format to within 30 days of the end of the event.