VIRGINIA DX Cluster Nodes

One tip I received from the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society guys was to have the ability to spot your lighthouse activation on a DX packet cluster. I was thinking I’d have to bring a laptop and my TNC – which add additional complications to my setup. Then I remembered I have my trusty Kenwood TH-D7A, with a built in TNC. Although most of my packet use with the radio has been APRS related, I’ve used it before to do standard packet work along with an Palm Pilot. So – I think that’s my answer for the next lighthouse activation…. I’ll bring the TH-D7A along with the Palm Pilot and spot myself on the local DX cluster. I need to test it out to make sure I know how to spot to the cluster.

Ark AC4HB 145.090
Bull Run Mt W4XP 144.990 & 441.200 (PVDXSN)
Chesapeake WY7C 145.010 (SEVA)
Chesapeake WY7C 145.070
Elliston K1GG [POOR] 145.090
Elliston K1GG 145.650
Elliston K1GG [DXPOOR] 147.510
Forest N2QT 145.670 (Lynchburg)
N2QT [DXFOR] 145.590 (Jack Mountain)
Great Falls W0YVA 145.510
Hampton WA4OHX 145.010 (SEVA)
Hampton WA4OHX 145.070
Lorton N4SR 145.530
Mt Weather N4OHE 145.710 & 440.925 (PVDXSN)
Richmond WU4G [CVCC] 144.990 & 145.590
Ringgold K4AU 144.910 & 145.610
Woodbridge N4SR 145.530

DX Cluster packet commands: