You might be a HAM if….!

The most complete list yet…….You might be a HAM if….!

* You know the Latitude and Longitude of your home QTH.
* You ask for a Bird 43 for a Father’s day gift.
* You receive a Bird 43 for a Father’s day gift.
* You calculate the HAAT for your new QTH before you sign the loan papers.
* Your teenager refuses to ride in your car because it looks like a porcupine
* Your XYL refuses to ride in your car because all the radios give her a headache.
* You ever replaced a perfectly good car battery just to get a higher capacity one.
* Your criterion for a new QTH includes ground elevation, and no antenna restrictions.
* You ever received a TVI complaint.
* You ever loaded up something strange like your bedsprings or gutters.
* You tried to figure out how to put a stealth antenna onto a public utility pole
* Your neighbor threatened to call the FCC for you interfering with an electronic device in their house.
* You ever had an antenna fall down.
* You ever had the same roll of coax up at 3 different locations.
* Your XYL accuses you of moving all those boxes of wire for the last 20 years, but never using any of it.
* You wear a watch that displays time in a 24-hour format.
* The local Radio Shack knows you by name.
* You consider a repeater directory a necessary glove box item.
* You ever took a detour just to look at a new tower that has sprung up.
* You use your ham call as a computer password.
* You ever used your ham call as a part of an email address.
* You ever bought a ham study guide for another family member in hopes of getting her/him interested.
* You plan your vacation to take in as many hamfests as possible.
* You’ve ever figured out how long a slinky really is.
* You ever tapped out HI in Morse on your car horn to another ham.
* You remember people by their call sign better than their names.
* You ever took a spring vacation to Ohio, so you could drop in on Dayton.
* You go to an antique flea market with your non-ham spouse, just so she/he would feel guilty when you > wanted to go the ham flea market.
* Your call sign shows up on your business cards.
* You ever put a GPS tracker in the XYL’s car, just so you could watch her on APRS.
* You and the XYL took a cruise so you could visit the radio room.
* Ham radio magazines comprise more than 50% of your bathroom library.
* A ham radio activity is included in your business resume.
* You have taken a radio to work just to see how you get out or to use during a lunch hour.
* You’ve looked at the cordless phone and wondered if you could tweak it over to a ham band.
* You’ve automatically tuned into the RACES or ARES freq. during a storm rather than the Nat. Weather > Service.
* Your tried to bring in SW by modifiying a crystal radio.
* You factor in a few extra hours on a business trip so you can visit a ham radio retail establishment
* You ever fell off a ladder while putting up an antenna.
* You ever put up an antenna in a snow storm.
* You ever had to patch your roof after an antenna project
* Your teenager thinks all your friends are weird.
* You have many other interests, but over the years keep ham radio as a core activity.
* You actually try your radio’s submersible capability while taking a bath.
* You convert a walking stick into a pedestrian antenna.