WARC Bands Challenge

From KB6NU’s Ham Radio Blog:

I’ve always thought there should be more activity on 30m. I’ve even proposed the idea of starting a 30-30 club that would promote the use of 30m, just like the Ten-Ten Club does for 10m. Well, it appears that someone in FISTS is thinking along the same lines. Here’s an announcement for a new operating event sponsored by FISTS:


DATES: From 00.01 1st January 2006 to 23.59 31st December 2006, this challenge is separate from all other activities in the FISTS calendar.

BANDS: 30M, 17M &12M


1. Mode: C.W. Only
2. Scoring: 1 point non members, 2 points FISTS members, 3 points Fists club stations.
3. Exchange: FISTS nr , ( NM,) and IARU locator square (IO85
etc) which can be used as a multiplier for the total number of contacts made during the year.
For the locator square to be eligible for a multiplier, a club member must have been worked within the square. i.e. G9XYZ
scores 2,400 points 12 different locator squares. 2,400 x 12 = 28800.
4. Repeat stations: can only be worked a maximum of four times per month.

AWARDS: Outright winner: Trophy with call, year, etc, Engraved. with certificates for 2nd and 3rd places. A certificate will also be awarded to the highest points scored by a QRP entrant. (Max 5w output at the transmitter) endorsed accordingly. Therefore all entrants must declare their power output.

LOGS: Monthly returns by the 14th. By email in excel format if possible please to: m0bpt@blueyonder.co.uk Snailmail to:
R.D.Walker M0BPT, 38, Wheatley Street, West Bromwich, B70 9TJ, England.

The purpose of the challenge is to promote activity on the WARC bands… it is not a contest. Please bear in mind that contest activity on the WARC’s is deeply frowned upon and whilst you are encouraged to make use of them, number chasing can well be perceived as contest activity so your FISTS number and locator details should be an incidental part of a normal QSO.

CALL “CQ FISTS” on or around the following frequencies;

* 30m: 10.118 MHz
* 17m: 18.085 MHz
* 12m: 24.918 MHz

See you on 30m!