… another eQSL.

Had a QSO with Andy earlier today. I’m starting to like eQSL.

Here’s some info from his website:

My hobby is amateur radio. Having been licensed since the mid 60’s with most of my operating time spent on Morse code (CW) working contests and DXing although I do enjoy operating RTTY and occasionally SSB. I was first licensed as VE1ASJ.
Over the years I have operated from numerous spots around the world.
Some of the calls I have held are: VE1DX, VE1SPI, VE8CW, VO2AB, CY0SPI, HP9FC, VP9/VE1ASJ and ZD9BP.
Back in the Spring of 1970 I was lucky enough to arrive on the Island of Cape Verde just in time for the CQWW WPX SSB contest and operated as CR4BC.
I have also operated as CT3AS,PY7AKW,TF3EA and ZS1JD as a guest.
One of my enjoyments of the hobby was providing special prefixes when every available and of course I was always looking for new prefixes on CW.