The Amateur Radio license renewal application of computer hacker Kevin Mitnick, N6NHG, will get careful FCC scrutiny. But first, the FCC wants more information.

On June 1, FCC Special Counsel for Amateur Radio Enforcement Riley Hollingsworth told Mitnick’s attorney that the FCC needs more information regarding the conditions of Mitnick’s probation “in order to determine what action to take on his renewal application.” He requested the information be provided within 20 days and indicated he would dismiss Mitnick’s application if the information is not provided.

Mitnick was convicted of computer-related crimes and now is out on supervised release. Conditions of his release require that he stay away from computers and computerized devices.

Mitnick’s attorney, R. Gregory Adlin, told Hollingsworth earlier this year that ham radio operation would not violate Mitnick’s supervised release and that he would provide a letter from Mitnick’s probation officer to that effect. Adlin noted that Mitnick’s case “had nothing to do with any FCC violations” and that his plea agreement only covered some counts dealing with obtaining an unauthorized copy of some source code.

Hollingsworth says that since Mitnick filed a timely renewal application, his license remains valid until action is taken on the application. Mitnick’s license expired last December 12.

Adlin also has asked for “a short delineation of what issues have been raised as to Mr. Mitnick’s qualifications to obtain a ham radio license” and any supporting statutory or regulatory citations. Hollingsworth told Adlin that once he has all the necessary documentation in place, he would refer the matter to the FCC’s Hearings and Investigations Division for a determination.

Note: Kevin is an infamous hacker who started his foray into the world of computers and communication systems through amateur radio. It should be interesting to see what happens with his license. More background on Mitnick here.